There was an interesting article in this week’s Economist (27 April 2019) entitled “To be young is not quite heaven”. In it, the magazine noted Continue Reading
Blog re-install
This blog was recently hacked so the site has been re-installed. Articles have been saved but the user database and user comments have been lost. Continue Reading
Civilized Countries Must Shun America
America is no longer civilized, and it’s not just because of Donald Trump. The real problem is that the Republican-controlled Congress has refused to reign Continue Reading
The US is “the most dangerous of wealthy nations for a child to be born into”
In a New York Times opinion piece today David Leonhardt explains why the United States is “the most dangerous of wealthy nations for a child to be Continue Reading
A Change of Heart: Backblaze is indeed the best backup after all
Almost a year ago I posted Online Backups: Why Switch From Backblaze to Crashplan, a posting about my plan to switch online backup service providers from Continue Reading
Why Patriotism Is Bad
Congratulations if you’re planning to read this article. Many will not. Many will see the title as anti-patriotic and will be irritated or insulted or Continue Reading
Is Humanity Worth Saving?
As a child, I would watch end-of-the-world movies and become concerned about catastrophic events that might destroy the entire human race. Somehow I thought it Continue Reading
A Nail in the Coffin: An Open Letter to the People of America
As a Canadian, I grew up with great respect for America. Canada, for all its virtues and perhaps because of its small population, has historically Continue Reading
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Online Backups: Why Switch From Backblaze to Crashplan?
Why am outlining my planned change of online backup service? I work on many projects which store data on both desktop and online systems. These Continue Reading